Valdi er búinn að semja helvíti góð lög;
Party Fish song
I wish I wish
I wish I was a fish
I wish I wish
I wish I was a fish
I lay down the dish
Swinging in the
Ocean drinking sin
And juice
Going down the hish
Glæsilegt lag undravert. Svo er það Johnny Five lagið;
All of the bands were Johnny Five fans
All of the bands played Johnny Five songs
All of the parents thought Johnny was wrong
All the book about Johnny were burned
Hey Johnny………………….!!!
You´re kissing my girl
Hey Johnny………………….!!!
You are the world
Þetta er sannkallað lag mér til heiðurs og er það vel. Þökk sé Valda.
miðvikudagur, maí 14, 2003
Skrifað af Jon Minn klukkan 14:06